What's it all about?

40 nights for the orphans of India. My 'Lent in a Tent' is about raising hugely needed funds for 'Shining Faces in India' orphanage in Salem, Tamil Nadhu, by sleeping ouside the Chaplaincy at King's Bruton for 40 nights. My target is at least £10,000 - which amazingly is only enough to feed the hundreds of children there for about two months.

I hope that many might be inspired to trade 40 pounds for my 40 nights. Actually, in the back of my mind I'm convinced that we could smash through the target and go much much further ... I wonder.

Monday, 18 February 2013

New regime ... after 12/40

Well school's back and the days will look rather different to the leisurely hours of half-term. Time for a new regime, I'm afraid, as I don't really think I'll have the time to write two posts a day.

So ... with a plea for understanding from keen regular readers, I'll be shifting to a daily post from now on, probably early evening. If I get extra time then I'll do my best to pop in a second one.

Thanks for your understanding, and thank you to all who continue to donate so generously and freely. We're approaching the £2,500 mark which is simply fantastic.

With hordes of uniformed pupils around me again I thought I'd leave you with some uniformed pupils the other end of this bridge of support we're building together ...

It's all for them, these 40 nights, all for them. Every little bit will go straight to the orphanage accounts - nothing taken out for anything else.

Here's a link if you'd like to join in ...


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