Up and about and mulling over the idea of hidden worlds that surround us but for one reason or another we just don't see. Kind of parallel worlds, if you like, that are as real as our own, existing alongside, but never crossing over.
I don't think it's a new thought, or just mine. Don't you look into the eyes of strangers and wonder what their life is like - where it's taken them; what they've done. Try it with these ...
They've lived in our time, and who knows, our paths might even have crossed if we'd taken different turnings through the years. As it is, though, theirs is a world hidden from ours. A world of extraordinary colour, scent, sound and taste; so different but alongside ours even if not crossing.
I love the idea of creating the crossing somehow - by going and living theirs for a moment; or enabling others to go; or by doing something that connects our 'here' with their 'there'.
My hope, of course, is that many might join me in that connecting by becoming part of the gift we hope to be able to send to the children when the 40 nights are over.
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