What's it all about?

40 nights for the orphans of India. My 'Lent in a Tent' is about raising hugely needed funds for 'Shining Faces in India' orphanage in Salem, Tamil Nadhu, by sleeping ouside the Chaplaincy at King's Bruton for 40 nights. My target is at least £10,000 - which amazingly is only enough to feed the hundreds of children there for about two months.

I hope that many might be inspired to trade 40 pounds for my 40 nights. Actually, in the back of my mind I'm convinced that we could smash through the target and go much much further ... I wonder.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Straining iron ... evening 12/40

They're back! After a very lonely half-term in my crispy tent the school is finally back! It's strange ... usually I'm pretty ambivalent about the return, but tonight I'm just thrilled. I mentioned in an earlier post how difficult it had been to stay positive cocooned in a tent in an empty school. But no more ... in the morning my canvas will be swallowed up in the hustle and bustle of a normal school day.

In my mental olfactory organs I can already smell the scent of building. Hundreds of young boys and girls going about building the character they'll be when they finally leave King's. For a number of them that leaving will bring an arrival too ... an arrival at the orphanage that this blog is really all about.

There, like here, the building goes on and on. In a physical sense there's the permanent temporariness of the concrete ... finished but never quite so ...

Always an iron limb straining upwards from the top of a building as if reaching out for the next floor. I wonder if there ever really is a limit to the growth, or if the building can just keep on going up, and up, and up ...

And as for the children, they go on building too ... not externally but internally. Boys and girls I see year to year become ever more man or woman. 'Don't be surprised', you say, 'that's life'. Not so. Too many in India finish their lives still boy or girl; never reach man or woman. To do so is a great thing in itself for the children we're supporting. Even greater is to do so as an educated and a ready-for-work man or woman. That's what Jayaraj is doing - helping 'Les Miserables' to take their place in life, independent and full of dignity.

If you'd like to unite with Jayaraj and help, then please ...


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